- Lapdog at The Santa Barbara County Bowl (Santa Barbara, CA), 7/3/1999 -

Mentions in the Santa Barbara Independent:
Toad Croaks, But 'Dog Smokes Best Bet Concert
Ad for the Santa Barbara County Bowl What's Going On The Week
Positively State St.

Posters could be seen around town.

The cover of the Santa Barbara County Bowl program listed Lapdog.

More pictures: 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9
Even more pictures: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Backstage (Rob, Todd, Erik, Dean)
Backstage with Fans (Back row: Ameena Azzouni, Beth John, Rob Taylor, Mandy Lee,
Joe Lyons, Todd Nichols, Erik Herzog, unknown, Dean Dinning, Allison Spaulding)
Backstage with Fans Again (Back row: Beth John, Rob Taylor, Joe Lyons, Mandy Lee,
Todd Nichols, Erik Herzog, unknown, Dean Dinning, Allison Spaulding)
Backstage with Fans Yet Again (Standing: Michael Mazur, Beth John, Rob Taylor,
Mandy Lee, Joe Lyons, Todd Nichols, Erik Herzog, unknown, Dean Dinning,
Allison Spaulding, Chris Kennedy; Seated: unknown, unknown, Robin Scott, Nora,
unknown -- please identify yourselves!)
Beth John with: Todd Nichols, Dean Dinning, Joe Lyons
Fans Backstage (Beth John, Mandy Lee, Joe Lyons, Kris McHale, Steve Panhorst,
Chris Kennedy)
Fans Backstage Again (unknown, Ameena Azzouni, Michael Mazur, Mandy Lee,
hey that's Dean Dinning way back there..., Robin Scott, Joe Lyons, Kris McHale,
Chris Kennedy, Beth John)
Fan Ambassador Joe Lyons, working the crowd
Joe Lyons, taking a picture for the official Lapdog site

The set list was:
So Distracted Just When I Needed Someone I'm Not Impressed
All Up To You That'll Make Me So Long Inside Rescue Me
Crazy Life   Perfect You